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El efecto Cacao


The Cocoa Effect is an Alliance for Global Development (GDA) between USAID / Colombia, Luker Chocolate, Luker Foundation, Enel-Emgesa, Saldarriaga Concha Foundation and EAFIT University, which seeks to strengthen the cocoa production chain and contribute to improving the conditions of life of producers and their communities, providing opportunities in four subregions: Urabá, Bajo Cauca, South - Center of Huila and Tumaco.

Purpose of the project

  1. Increase productivity in cocoa crops through the establishment of two anchor crops (crops with the best agricultural and technological practices, managed by Luker Agrícola) and the intervention of smallholder farms, with new plantings and / or rehabilitation of Your crops

  2. Strengthen cocoa producer associations by improving technical, commercial and administrative skills.

  3. Improve the academic and socio-emotional skills of the population close to the anchor crop in Necoclí.

The highlights in 2019

  • 363 producers of the 4 subregions in intervention of cocoa crops.

  • 560 producers participated in the training "I am a Cacaocultor", which received 9,033 hours of training.

  • 723 hectares of cocoa in intervention, of which 236 have been sown with transient shade as preparation for the sowing of cocoa, 277 have been rehabilitated to increase their productivity and 210 have been improved with the technical extension from farm to farm oriented by The Cocoa effect.

  • 14 producer associations in the process of technical, commercial and administrative strengthening.

  • 103 entrepreneurship initiatives supported.

  • More than 800 people trained in entrepreneurship with a gender focus.

  • 554 children and youth in programs to improve academic and socio-emotional skills in Necoclí.

  • 55% of the students of the Caribia educational institution received Reading tutorials, which has achieved a 48% advance in reading fluency for elementary students.

  • 61 young graduates in technical labor programs.

El Efecto Cacao