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Enfoque estrategico

MISSION: “Generate economic and social development, through work in national and / or international alliances, with transformative projects and high impact on education and entrepreneurship, which empower individuals, institutions and communities”.

VISION: “The Luker Foundation has the capacity and knowledge to transform communities, and is recognized for significant achievements in education and entrepreneurship”.

Organization Values:

The Luker Foundation is:
  • Honest in its relationships with others and with yourself

  • Coherent in compliance with its principles

  • Transparent in its performances

  • In the pursuit of excellence

  • In the austere management of its resources

  • In the evaluation of its results and impacts

  • Of differences and democratic plurality

  • On the dignity and rights of our beneficiaries, allies and collaborators.

  • Institutionality, regulations and the law.

We are convinced that an educated and enterprising person transforms and generates development for himself and for his community. Our projects in Education and Entrepreneurship and their results show us that this commitment manages to impact lives and change realities.