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carta de la gerencia

2,019 was a year of growth and challenges for the Luker Foundation. The good news remained. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), included Manizales in the World Network of Learning Cities, of which 18 are in Latin America. The Luker Foundation in partnership with the National University, within the framework of the Manizales University Campus project, was part of the application process.

The Urban Active School project was developed during 2019, in 24 urban public educational institutions, of the 37 in the city, impacting more than 21,000 children who are being trained with active methodologies in socio-emotional skills.

The city is also participating with other cities in the world in the process of evaluation of social and emotional skills developed by the OECD.

In the project The University in Your College - UTC - we achieved significant progress. 1,357 young people from 23 urban public educational institutions were enrolled in technical training programs; 221 young people enrolled in technological training and in the last follow-up of UTC graduates carried out in November 2,019, it was found that 78% continue studying and / or working. A measurement that fills us with pride and gives us the peace of mind that we are on the right track. In the 5 years of the program, 5,694 students have participated in 26 technical and technological programs, in 4 universities and 3 job training institutions.

Carta Gerencia Learn all to read, an initiative that in partnership with the IDB and Confa seeks to strengthen reading skills in students of official educational institutions in Manizales; In 2,019, 1,327 1st grade students from 29 educational institutions participated.

It is worth bearing in mind that the Learn all to read program, in partnership with the IDB will be replicated in Panama and several cities in Colombia, benefiting approximately 87,000 students; Our goal is its implementation in all public schools in Manizales.

Regarding Entrepreneurship, the Manizales Más Program continued to position itself in the national and international spheres for its recognition and results. Just to mention some local achievements in 2,019, Manizales Más, together with the Government of Caldas, made a presence with Crecer Más in the municipalities of La Dorada and Riosucio, allowing 12 companies to grow and develop the local ecosystem. With the Chamber of Commerce of Manizales by Caldas, entrepreneurs were trained in Vender Más, in the metalworking and dairy clusters; With Chec for the second consecutive year Innovate Chec was developed where entrepreneurs were identified in environmental areas with ideas to take a prototype and with Luker Chocolate it was developed Emprendiendo Sueños, a program to generate culture in Caribia (Necocli) and achieve the creation of 22 business ideas. Over the course of the year, 1,500 new jobs were generated; 73 Trained High Potential Companies grew 49% on average; 10 companies exported for the first time and accompanied more than 989 entrepreneurship initiatives.

Likewise, in 2,019 we continued our work in partnership with CasaLuker, strengthening the rural development model in Necoclí-Antioquia, a significant and impactful Luker Chocolate bet for the region, where the Foundation puts its grain of sand with its knowledge, work and resources.

The El Cocoa Effect cooperation agreement was implemented, an alliance that seeks to strengthen the cocoa production chain and contribute to improving the living conditions of producers and their communities.

Together with USAID, Luker Chocolate, Saldarriaga Concha Foundation, Eafit University and Enel emgesa, we contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of cocoa producers in Urabá Antioqueño, Bajo Cauca, Centro Sur del Huila and Tumaco, to contribute to the construction of a lasting peace, in 16 municipalities in these areas.

Carta Gerencia We can proudly say today that this first year we achieved 236 hectares of sown cocoa; another 277 hectares were rehabilitated to increase productivity; We support 14 cocoa associations and 87 entrepreneurship initiatives; We graduated 61 young people in technical labor programs and improved the socio-emotional skills of 554 children.

The challenge is great for this 2020 but we are sure that with the consolidation of this cooperation agreement and the great allies we have, the results will not be inferior.

On the other hand, in partnership with the San Juan de Dios Clinic, the San Juan de Dios hospital order and the Luker Foundation, the financing of the entire VIVO project was achieved, a commitment to build the Child Addition Care Center, girls and adolescents consumers of psychoactive substances, which will be a reference in the country. Through a model of care that prior to dependence allows them to strengthen the skills necessary to adequately cope with situations that encourage the use of psychoactive substances and overcome this problem that currently affects our population.

This is the opportunity to thank all the allies and beneficiaries of the projects and programs who share our dream of transforming Colombia together, as well as the wonderful work team of the Luker Foundation, its collaborators, board members and committee members Advisors, for their work and delivery in each of the projects that not only impact our city but also the country. The achievements and acknowledgments achieved in 2,019 are from each of you.

Successes in this 2,020.

Thank you.

Pablo Jaramillo Villegas