Stakeholders Participation

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Grupos de interes

The Luker Foundation is committed to achieving a positive impact in the city of Manizales and in the country through its actions and projects. That is why it gives great importance to communications and good relations with its beneficiaries, suppliers, collaborators and citizens through mechanisms that allow evaluating, adjusting or innovating their interventions for the success of the projects.

In the same way, it considers fundamental the joint work with the organizations of the city to carry out initiatives of common good. It is these agreements that have allowed their projects and city projects to stand out. For this reason it also maintains a close dialogue with those who have articulated in various alliances to their work at the local level, an exercise that it also maintains with its national and international allies.

The Luker Foundation interest groups

  • Founding Family

  • General Assembly

  • Board of Directors

  • Luker Foundation Collaborators

  • CasaLuker Collaborators

  • Manizales citizenship

  • Allies

  • Beneficiaries of the programs

  • Governments (municipal, departmental, national)

  • Suppliers

  • Universities, colleges and research centers

  • Communities in the areas of influence of some agricultural projects of CasaLuker

  • Participants of programs, initiatives and social mobilizations of the city

  • Other foundations