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and distinctions

Premios y distinciones

THE UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), included Manizales in the World Network of Learning Cities, of which 18 are in Latin America. The Luker Foundation, in partnership with the National University and within the framework of the Manizales University Campus project, was part of the application process. Additionally, we received recognition from the City Hall for the Foundation team for having been part of this process.

Gestar Futuro, a program developed in Manizales by the Nutrir Foundation, the Mayor's Office of Manizales, the Sagrada Familia Corporation and the Luker Foundation, with the support of the Éxito Foundation, was recognized as the most successful experience in child nutrition in the Organizations category of the Civil Society within the framework of the 75 Assembly of the ANDI and the National Network of Food Banks (ABACO), framed in the National Alliance for Child Nutrition 2019.

In 2019 we received three requests for replication to implement Egra and Egma tests: one for seven schools of the Educational Alliance, another for the Carvajal Foundation and one more from the International Rescue Committee to apply the Egra and Egma tests in Cúcuta to 1,865 children 19 Educational Institutions from 1st to 5th. Likewise, Gases del Caribe requested a replica to apply the Egra test in the municipalities of Atlántico and Barranquilla.

In the same way, the Levapan Foundation made a request for a replica to implement the project The University in Your College.