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Proyectos Especiales

In 2019, the institutions that are part of the special projects supported by the Luker Foundation continued to contribute to improving the living conditions of communities in vulnerable conditions in the city, thanks to the efforts of many entities, the articulation of a large number of initiatives and the contribution of benefactors of social causes that allow the permanence of their work over time.

The main programs supported by the Luker Foundation were:

Gestar Futuro

Gestar Futuro

Purpose: Control low birth weight and chronic malnutrition in the first two years of the newborn's life by implementing a comprehensive nutrition and health care program for adolescents and young pregnant women in vulnerable conditions.

The highlights in 2019

  • Gestar Futuro obtained national recognition from the Chamber of the Food Industry of the ANDI and the Association of Food Banks of Colombia (ABACO), as a result of the "Contest of Successful Experiences in Child Nutrition", in the category of Experiences of Civil society organizations.

Proyecto Comunitario

Proyecto Comunitario San Sebastián

Purpose: Promote processes with a comprehensive community development approach in San Sebastián, which allows its inhabitants to strengthen capacities and improve their living conditions.

The highlights in 2019

  • The Betania Foundation received honorable mention of solidarity in the Alejandro Ángel Escobar Prize for the social work carried out in the community of San Sebastián.

  • The alliance with the Mayor's Office of Manizales allowed to strengthen the “Sueños Tejidos” clothing program and to articulate efforts with the Manizales Mayor's Fashion System initiative, to strengthen the clothing sector in the city.

  • 70 people were trained and certified in clothing, of which 63% were labor-related.

Vivo Proyecto de Salud

Vivo (health project)

Purpose: Vivo is the commitment to build a center of attention to the addictions of children and adolescents consumers of psychoactive substances. A center that is a reference in the country through a care model that allows them to strengthen the skills necessary to adequately cope with situations that encourage the use of psychoactive substances and overcome this problem that so much affects our population today.

The highlights in 2019

  • 100% financing of the project ($ 4284 million) in an alliance established between the San Juan de Dios Clinic, the San Juan de Dios hospital order and the Luker Foundation.

  • More than 30 public, private and academic entities participated in the calls made to socialize the project and define effective articulation mechanisms for its implementation.

Batuta Escuela de formación

Batuta - Schools of musical symphonic formation Batuta San José and La Fuente and Batuta Moog

Purpose: Offer symphonic musical training to children and youth of the San José and La Fuente communes to enhance cognitive, psychomotor, citizen and artistic skills and promote social transformation.

The highlights in 2019

  • The realization of large assemblies offered the students of the centers high-level musical experiences.

  • The performance of concerts of the symphony orchestras of the communes in various stages enriched the cultural agenda of the city.

Me Cuido Activo

Me cuido activo

Purpose: The model of care with focus on active aging seeks to strengthen the abilities and skills of the elderly and their caregivers in the face of the reality of aging and the need for care and self-care from a community perspective. Aging is everyone's responsibility.

The highlights in 2019

  • The pilot developed during 2017 and 2018 allowed to test and adjust the model and strategies for its replicability at the local level. The Caldas Family Compensation Fund - CONFA, the Mayor's Office of Manizales, the Catholic University of Manizales and the Betania Social Works Foundation, participated in the transfer training process.

  • The research process developed allowed strengthening and giving viability to the strategy.

Inversion en proyectos especiales

Inversion en proyectos especiales