Its purpose is to strengthen the educational component and the training and cocoa production processes to help improve the quality of life of the people in the area of influence of the cocoa production project.


  • Strengthening in the implementation of the New School model and appropriation by teachers and students.

  • Better communication between the school and the family, improving relationships and involving the family in the processes in progress.

  • Recognition of the productive pedagogical projects as a strategy favoring the construction of knowledge from hands-on practice.

  • Consolidation of a new educational institutional structure, with the Caribia institution as the main seat, and the change from contracted to official education, thus allowing for a wider coverage in 2018.

  • Generation of trust among the communities adjacent to the production project and the Foundation from the development of specific activities while working with leaders.

  • Alliance with the Ministry of Agriculture for the establishment of 78 hectares of cocoa, benefiting 39 farmers.

  • Alliance with Comfama for the agro-entrepreneurial strengthening, implementing rural development methodologies with 35 cocoa farmers.

  • raining in Entrepreneurship of two cocoa farming associations in Tumaco: Chocolate Tumaco and Comcacaot.


  • Involvement of intervened educational institutes as a single institution and expansion of the project to three additional institutes.

  • Opening and availability of the communities adjacent to the production project, aimed at engaging in joint territorial development processes.

  • Raising the interest of different players in having a presence in the territory.

  • Recognition of the Luker Foundation as a generator of development by public entities.

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