The Luker Foundation is a private nonprofit organization of entrepreneurial origin from Sucesores de José Jesús Restrepo & CIA S.A. – CasaLuker S.A., constituted as of November 24, 1994.

We have reached our 23 years of work, and this experience allows us to conclude today that an educated and entrepreneurial person can transform and generate development. During this last year, we have continued to strive to make Manizales not only the Number 1 city in education in Colombia but also the best city to live in.

As a general balance of our achievements in 2017, we are able to say that the projects we carried out together with our allies continue to grow stronger, allowing our city to stand out nationally and internationally.

Apart from the achievements listed in the Management Letter, it is important to mention that the Gestar Futuro project was also awarded in the institutional category of the Award for Child Nutrition promoted by Fundación Éxito. In the aspect of entrepreneurship, Manizales Más was invited to participate in the benchmarking sponsored by the IDB, for the purpose of inspiring the Sebrae (the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service) to develop new high impact entrepreneurial programs in this country from international experiences (Denmark, United States, United Kingdom, Russia, and Switzerland).

In this manner, we are advancing towards the construction of a friendly territory that provides wellbeing and opportunities to all of its citizens.

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