La The Luker Foundation focuses its work on three lines: Education, Entrepreneurship, and Projects with CasaLuker, without neglecting the support to the social work it has provided from the beginning to several institutions in the city through Special Projects.


We are still focused on making Manizales the first in education. Our work in Necoclí has been added to this mission, providing the experience of an Urban Active School (New School for the rural areas) to educational institutions within the zone of influence of the agro industrial project of CasaLuker for the production of cocoa in this municipality.

Thanks to programs such as Urban Active School, La Universidad en Tu Colegio (the University in Your School), and Aprende (Learn), students develop abilities and strengthen competencies, preparing them to face the real world.

Through Manizales University Campus, the alliance with the six major universities in the city, the Mayoralty, and other companies and organizations, we have once again placed Manizales as the university capital of Colombia, and we have all joined forces to grow stronger and become the destination of domestic and foreign students.


Manizales Más is an alliance for the integral development of the entrepreneurial ecosystem of the capital of Caldas, whereby the necessary conditions to create and grow enterprises are generated.

It is a consolidated public, private, and academic alliance, which, in 2017, reached its first five years, thanks to the conviction of its players regarding the value of adding knowledge and action to transform the city’s economic model.

Special Projects

From the beginning, we have supported the work of the Manizales institutions that focus their work on improving the life conditions of the vulnerable population in the areas of health, nutrition, housing, education, and the elderly, all of which is possible thanks to the legacy of the main benefactor of our Foundation, Inés Restrepo Mejía.

Other city initiatives

Based on our interest in making Manizales a better city for all of us, we support initiatives which contribute to building citizenship and delivering better informed and more participating citizens. Manizales Cómo Vamos and Estoy con Manizales are examples of this.

Projects with CasaLuker

The Luker Foundation and CasaLuker share their roots, their knowledge, and experience for the consolidation of a social model for the development of the community near the cocoa production project currently in progress in Necoclí (Antiochian Uraba).

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