Fundación Luker Fundación Luker



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Fundación Luker

Our work in entrepreneurship


Fundación Luker

It is a public, private and academic alliance for the comprehensive development of the entrepreneurship ecosystem of both Manizales and the region. It creates the necessary conditions to create and make companies grow training them through different programs, thus consolidating them as high potential companies, since the knowledge along with action transform the economic model.


  • Empresas de Alto Potencial (High Potential Companies) This program offers training designed to help increase companies sales and profits. It makes entrepreneurs to have an accelerated growth, which results in new skills, knowledge, coaching and networking.

  • Corporate Coaching Program It invites business or corporative individuals with great experience to establish long-term relationships with developing entrepreneurs, thus sharing their experience and reducing the risks of growth.

  • Affiliates and Profesores de Alto potencial (High Potential Professors) These two programs develop capacities for teaching entrepreneurship in professors of the partner universities of Manizales Más, contributing to the strengthening of the Human Capital and Entrepreneurship Culture components of the Manizales ecosystem.

  • Addventure Más It is an intensive acceleration experience aimed at early stage companies, which face the main growth challenges for this type of entrepreneurship over six weeks.

  • Start Up Más It aims at finding and strengthening new business initiatives of undergraduate, postgraduate and graduate students and administrative staff belonging to the partner universities of Manizales Más.

  • The Entrepreneurship Route It is a training program aimed at strengthening and developing skills in entrepreneurship that allows students to think and act in an entrepreneurial way.

  • Vender Más (Sell more) It is a program designed to strengthen the sales process and lead companies to growth through training that strengthens business skills and capacities.

  • Crecer Más (Grow more) It is a training program designed to help growing the sales and profits of companies in the municipalities of Caldas . It also seeks to expand the ecosystem capacity searching for developing companies.

Fundacion Luker

Highlights in 2018

  • High Potential Companies 2018 grew by an average of 27%.
  • 154 new jobs generated by those companies.
  • More than $ 29 billion in sales.
  • 537 students participated in the Entrepreneurship Route.
  • 14 High Potential Professors lead the transformation of entrepreneurship in universities.
  • Competitiveness tables were trained in effective presentations and strategy: dairy products, musaceae and bananas, tourism, ICT and biotechnology, among others.
  • Intervention in the municipalities of Riosucio and La Dorada to initiate the dinamization of those ecosystems along with Governorate of Caldas. The trained companies achieved a 26% growth.
  • The joint training with Innpulsa, a national dynamist of the entrepreneurship ecosystems, allowed to know in depth this ecosystem and its actors’ development.
  • The articulation of small entrepreneurs with large companies was also achieved, supporting the effort of the Governorate of Caldas to make these alliance and the growth of companies visible.
  • The visibility of Manizales Más and its ecosystem in the international sphere was promoted: Leeds, United Kingdom; Istanbul, Turkey; Port-au-Prince, Haiti; Xela, Guatemala; Boston, USA and Temuco, Chile. In Colombia in Caribia, Popayán, Cartagena and Medellín, where we participated in Prodem, which brings together Latin-American experts in entrepreneurship.
Beneficiaries and investment

Partners of Manizales Más

Aliados Manizales Mas

Methodologies created in cooperation with

Co Creadas

Acknowledgements and awards

Certificate of Merits. The 4th Innovation & Entrepreneurship Teaching Excellence Awards. Case History: “Innovate Teachers Focused on Entrepreneurship, a Peek to “Profesores de Alto Potencial Program”. Universidad de Aveiro, Portugal.

Second Place. The 4th Innovation & Entrepreneurship Teaching Excellence Awards. Case History: “Innovate Teachers Focused on Entrepreneurship, a Peek to “Profesores de Alto Potencial Program”. Universidad de Aveiro, Portugal.

Recognition of Manizales More for the use of Scale Up principles and methodology and for achieving an exceptional economic and social impact in the city and the region, as well as serving as an example and inspiration for other regions in Latin America and the world. Babson College, Boston.

Fundacion Luker
Fundación Luker