Our work in
highlights of 2018
- Two educational institutions, San Juan Bautista La Salle and the Francisco José de Caldas Technological Institute, adopted the model.
- In total, 23 official educational institutions of the city are part of the Active Urban School model (62% of the city’s urban public institutions).
- With the AUS Model, Manizales, together with ten other cities around the world, participated in the pilot of the Evaluation of Social and Emotional Skills, led by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD.
- The TEACH instrument pilot was carried out to analyze the level of implementation of the model in educational institutions and, based on the results, define the action plans.
- The Ministry of Education - Luker Foundation alliance was strengthened.
- The program received national and international internships interested in knowing the model’s main achievements and benefits.
It facilitates the access of students from public educational institutions participating in the Active Urban School project to technical education programs, in coordination with secondary and technological education.
Highlights of 2018
- 21 educational institutions are part of the project.
- 320 new young people enrolled in the technological level, for a total of 728 young people enrolled since 2016.
- 13 technical programs implemented.
- 8 technological programs implemented.
- Access to higher education rose from 33% to 80% in the beneficiary schools, while the control group went from 36% to 41% in the same period.
- A better average performance has been achieved in the Saber 11° Tests, reaching significantly higher scores compared to the control group (+19.48 points).
- Significant transformations in the life project of young people.
- Real approach strategies between the education sector and the productive sector.
- The strengthening of the Middle School curriculum began.
- The implementation of the pilot of a Labor Linkage strategy with the productive sector began.
The program designs, leads and evaluates innovations to strengthen basic skills of students of official educational institutions of Manizales.
Highlights of 2018
- More than 16,000 children diagnosed through Language and Mathematics tests.
- 102 students from grades 2-5 benefited with remediation tutorials in reading fluency and comprehension.
- 200 students benefited with a pilot of pre-school reading preparation materials.
- 280 2nd grade students benefited from the Prest Matemáticas program, an innovative mathematics teaching methodology adapted from Canada.
- 2,880 families of students from grades 2-5 benefited with information about their children’s educational process and suggestions on how to improve their performance in Reading and Mathematics.
- 9 schools shared significant experiences in topics such as academic management and community management.
- In this project we have learned to transfer to the Colombian context, successful international educational experiences (from Cuba, Canada, Spain and the United States), making the necessary adaptations and adjustments.
- With the Aprende project it has been possible to establish a culture of measurement in the organization, thanks to the technical support of multilateral entities such as the Interamerican Development Bank (IDB), the World Bank and Harvard University.
It seeks to generate systematic and deliberate efforts to contribute to the development of Manizales as a world-class University Campus, through a public, private and academic alliance.
Highlights in 2018
- Manizales had 47,000 students in 2018. Face-to-face enrollment has grown 53% over the last ten years.
- Manizales es la segunda ciudad del país en Pruebas Saber Pro.
- Manizales is the city of Colombia with the highest percentage of PhD professors (15.4%).
- It is the second city in the country with employed graduates (84% of employability).
- It is the city of Colombia with the highest proportion of foreign students (41.3%).
- In 2018, the number of students reached at university fairs increased by 57%, from 17,250 in 2017 to 27,233.
- New university allied to the program: Uniremington.
- Monthly cycle tours with 250 participants average.
- There are currently more than 12,000 university students in the city who have the ‘Zona Manizales Campus Univesitario card’, receiving special benefits in the city's commerce.
- In 2018, international experiences of universities that serve as inspiration for new city development projects were referenced. A collective project that contributes to the consolidation of the University City is expected to be designed by 2019.