is committed to achieving a positive impact through its actions and projects both in the city of Manizales and country. That is why it gives great importance to communications and good relations with its beneficiaries, suppliers, collaborators and with citizens through mechanisms that allow evaluating, adjusting or innovating the interventions conducted for the success of projects.
The work performed jointly with the organizations of the city is fundamental to implement the common good initiatives. These agreements are the ones that have allowed both its own projects and the projects of the city stand out. That is why it also maintains a close dialogue with those who participate in various alliances to work at the local level, work that is also performed along with national and international partners.
Luker foundation
- Founding Family
- General Assembly
- Board of Directors
- Luker Foundation Collaborators
- CasaLuker Collaborators
- Citizenship of Manizales
- Partners
- Programs Beneficiaries
- Governments (municipal, departmental, national)
- Suppliers
- Universities, colleges and research centers
- Communities in the areas of influence of some agricultural projects of CasaLuker
- Programs Participants, initiatives and social mobility of the city
- Other foundations
Partners and beneficiary
organizations in 2018
- Acopi
- Actuar Microempresas
- Alcaldía de Necoclí
- Andi
- Asociación de productores de cacao del municipio de Necoclí - Asoprone
- Banco Mundial
- Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo – BID
- Caja de Compensación Familiar de Caldas - Confa
- Cámara de Comercio de Manizales por Caldas
- Cargill de Colombia Ltda.
- CasaLuker
- Corporación para el Desarrollo de Caldas – CDC
- Centro Colombo Americano
- Colegiatura del Café S.A.S.
- Comité Intergremial de Caldas
- Conaced
- Coopsaludcom
- Corporación Sagrada Familia
- Corporación Universitaria Remington
- David Kenneth Brealy
- Education Soul S.A.S
- ENEL -Emgesa
- Fenalco
- Findeter
- Fundación Bolívar Davivienda
- Fundación Carvajal
- Fundación Corona
- Fundación Éxito
- Fundación Empresarios por la Educación
- Fundación Manuel Mejía
- Fundación Saldarriaga Concha
- Fundación Sura
- Gobernación de Caldas
- Harvard University
- Incubar
- Journey Company
- Kabushiki Kaisha Royce
- Luc Deltour - Delgiro BVBA
- Ministerio de Agricultura
- Municipio de Manizales – Alcaldía
- Palmas del Casanare
- Parquesoft
- Pots&co
- Prest
- Red de Emprendimiento de Caldas
- Shinya Negami - Fino de Aroma CO
- Unitécnica Manizales S.A.S.
- Universidad Autónoma de Manizales
- Universidad Católica de Manizales
- Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
- Universidad de Caldas
- Universidad de Manizales
- Universidad del Norte
- Universidad Nacional - Sede Manizales
- Uwe Dengel
- Asociación Luisas de Marillac
- CDI Caracoles de Colores
- Clínica San Juan de Dios – Orden Hospitalaria San Juan de Dios
- Corporación Alberto Arango Restrepo – CEDER
- Fesco
- Fundación Alejandra Vélez Mejía
- Fundación Batuta
- Fundación Hogar de Paso Mi Jesús
- Fundación San Ezequiel Moreno
- Hogar San Judas Tadeo
- Institución Educativa Caribia
- Instituto Ravasco
- Monasterio de la Visitación de Santa María
- Nutrir
- Obras Sociales Betania
- Orden de Religiosas Adoratrices de Colombia
- Seminario Mayor Nuestra Señora del Rosario

Awards and recognitions
Bancolombia recognized the Luker Foundation for the outstanding results in its three lines of work: Education, Entrepreneurship and Work with Casa Luker, and was set as an example at the regional and national levels.
The Profesores de Alto Potencial program won second place in the 4th Innovation & Entrepreneurship Excellence Awards (Awards for excellence in entrepreneurship and innovation teaching) held in Aveiro (Portugal). 36 initiatives from different parts of the world competed, and this program was the only Latin American program selected.
Babson College, the number one university in entrepreneurship in the world and its Babson Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Platform program, awarded Manizales as a city and to Manizales Más as the program that articulates and dynamizes the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the city. It is the first prize that this prestigious institution awards to an ecosystem in the world, for the Scale Up methodology use and the outstanding economic and social impacts in the city and the region, as well as for serving as inspiration and example for Latin America and the world.
In addition, we received several requests for replication of the Aprende project material. Efigas, a gas trading company in the coffee region, wishes to apply the 1st grade methodology in three municipalities of Caldas, Quindío and Risaralda. The Secretary of Education of Bogotá also requested the adaptation and replication of this project. Gases del Caribe Foundation expressed its interest in applying this same methodology as a pilot project in some schools in the southwestern area of the country and thus move forward in the implementation of the program La Universidad en tu Colegio (the University in your school).
On the other hand, the University of Quindío requested authorization to use the methodology of the Cómo Vamos (How We Go) in Higher Education report in Manizales.