Fundación Luker Fundación Luker

Strategic approach


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Fundación Luker


IN 2015
with the accompaniment of an external advisor, the Board of Directors of the Luker Foundation reviewed our organization’s mission. That study analyzed the Foundation’s performance in its focus areas, Education and Entrepreneurship, and the line of work with CasaLuker was incorporated.

As a result of that work our mission was defined: “Generate economic and social development by working with national and/or international alliances, with transformative and high-impact projects in education and entrepreneurship that empower individuals, institutions and communities”.

And our vision as follows: “The Luker Foundation has the capacity and knowledge to transform communities, and is recognized for the relevant achievements in education and entrepreneurship”.

Finally, the values of the organization were agreed upon as follows:

La Fundacion Luker

We are convinced that an educated and enterprising person transforms and generates development for himself/herself and his/her community. Our projects in Education and Entrepreneurship and their results show us that this commitment manages to impact lives and change realities.